Thursday, August 21, 2008

Searching for Letters from Laura Ingalls Wilder

During her lifetime as an author, Laura Ingalls Wilder responded to every fan letter she received, until the last six months of her life. These letters were scattered to the four winds and while some have come safely to rest in museums, archives, and libraries across the country, others currently reside in scrapbooks, the backs of drawers, in musty files, and in old shoe boxes tied up with ribbon.

Please help make sure those letters aren't lost forever. In conjunction with the Laura Ingalls Wilder Museum in Walnut Grove, Minnesota, Sarah Uthoff is seeking photocopies of Laura letters. These would be scholarly study copies only and will be deposited in the newly built archive room at the Laura Ingalls Wilder Museum. She is also seeking photos of any of the Wilder museum sites pre-1985 or photos of any special local Wilder events, such as gingerbread parties that you might have attended. You may send the photographs by mail, or scan them and send by email.

Send photographs and/or photocopies of letters to:
Sarah Uthoff
P.O. Box 111
Solon, IA 52333

Send scanned photographs to:

For more information, visit Sarah's site at Trundlebed Tales.

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